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Duels will be starting at 5 pm due to tech issues with lightsabers.

May the 4th be with you.

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Hello there!

I hope you are doing good. I will be hosting 2 duels on May 4th, to celebrate Star Wars Day. The first duel will be at North East residential next to the volleyball court, and the second duel will be at the campus pond. These duels will take place for majority of the day at both locations.

Hope to see you there,

UMass Jedi

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There won’t be any duels tonight due to me having to do an assignment due tonight at 9 pm.

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Hello there dues will be starting at 6:30 instead of sundown.

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February 2, 2024 · added a group cover image.
This post is from a suggested group
February 2, 2024 · changed the group description.

Welcome! If a meeting gets canceled or have any questions about the meetings this is the place.

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